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Day 23 Thursday. Indian Ocean 1700hrs

Position: Indian Ocean

S 10°32.94'

E 086°31.08'

Haven't done any entries for a couple of days, the reason being; boredom. We have had very little wind to speak off. Finally last night it seems the long awaited South easterly all the books talk about, kicked in. Since about 1700 hrs on Wednesday 13/06/01 we have had a steady 20 knot wind. As I speak now I am wedged in the galley with everything at 45 degrees to me. The boat is travelling at record speeds of 8-10 knots. We have all the sails we can get up 'up' and we are flying with the wind. It's a dream come true. We have all been debating as to what we should do, which way we should head to find wind; 'Should we go further South?' or 'We should stay on the same heading the wind will come eventually' Then with a little puff and a little huff, the wind was there. Now the question is how long will it stay with us? If it stays with us for the next few days we will make good our time in Chegos. We were beginning to think that it was going to take us another ten days at the rate we were travelling; this would have put a strain on our supplies to reach Seychelles , as there is nothing in Chegos but this Military Base. The base is English but is of limits, so we will be stopping on Solomon Island which is part of the Archipelago Islands , but as I said before they are all uninhabited. It will take us another weeks' sailing to get to Seychelles .

On another track; we saw a small pod of dolphins this morning. They followed us, and played in the bow wave. They normally come at night, but these seemed more playful. It was great to see them up and close, good video footage taken by Rupert.

Posted on Monday, June 26, 2006 at 13:19 by Registered CommenterToby | CommentsPost a Comment

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