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Day 20 Monday. Indian Ocean 1740 hrs

Position: Indian Ocean

S 09°07.43'

E 092°39.80'

Ha! We had our first freshly baked bread today! I baked bread for the first time in my life and it came out as though it had popped out of the bakery just down the road. Having cleaned the jets on the oven last night, it meant we could get the oven up to temperature. We had sandwiches for early lunch, and then Rupert proceeded to catch two fish, so we had those on the barbecue with toast (pan and Oli - Olive oil with garlic rubbed into it). The fish came from under the boat, they had been following us for a while, and we noticed them this morning. It appeared they would go for just about anything, including a rope (Sheet) that fell over the side at one stage. So Rupert dropped a lure over the edge of the boat, and bang caught one, then dropped it over the side again, bang! Another one. All in two minutes. Easiest fishing ever. Tasty fish. Don't know what they were called.

Posted on Monday, June 26, 2006 at 13:16 by Registered CommenterToby | CommentsPost a Comment

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