In which I find myself slowly adapting back to city life and am pleased to discover that there are a lot of advantages to not living in the woods.
So hear I am in my new flat, clean, not smelling of smoke, washing hanging up to dry, the first instalment of my much diminished collection of possessions having been delivered and unpacked, kettle on, chicken roasted and eaten and a general contented air about the place. Oh and it's light, it's twenty one minutes past ten in the evening and yet I can see as clearly as if it were day light thanks to the wonders of electric lighting. Life has suddenly become very comfortable, it would be very easy to sit back, go soft, get fat and watch the years drift by in the comforting embrace of a western liberal democracy. This is of course a rather tempting option for life here in what people far more widely travelled than myself have described as the most exciting city in the world has the potential to be most pleasing.
The thing that I am enjoying the most about this move into town is the sudden close proximity of a great number of friends, only this afternoon the girl I keep seeing in the supermarket who looks just like Hermione turned out to be Hermione, we quickly established that; we are now neighbours, I wasn't buying enough vegetables and that no I hadn't brought carrier bags with me to re-use - some environmentalist I am. I'm sharing a flat with a very good mate, the guys in the two other flats in the house are very civilised, they had a fancy dress party last night which was lots of fun and the house rule is that music can be played at any time at any volume so my social life promises to be a bit more exciting than it has been whilst living in the woods.
I do miss the outdoor life though so I'm quite pleased to be going back to the woods on Tuesday to do a little bit of filming and some foraging. I've not been back to the woods since I went to work at Glade about six weeks ago so it will be great to go back home, for the time being at least I still consider the place home and I can't wait to see what's happened while I have been away. I think it should be puff ball season by now and there will be blackberries aplenty and hopefully the hazelnuts will be ripe. The wild raspberries and cherries will be over by now but hopefully the damsons will be out and I will search around to find what new treats I can find.
I now not only have a mobile phone I have one with the internet on it, I figured that if I'm going to be in contact with the world I may as well be really in contact with it rather than just a little bit. This does mean that I can access the internet from pretty much anywhere, sadly I can't get into this site to edit it but I should be able to post blog entries here via email. This will mean that I can post from the woods or wherever I am, I tend to find that more interesting things happen in the woods so I should soon be able to keep you abreast of any exciting developments as and when they happen, and I will still be spending as much time as I can out and about training for the jungle mission. There are two draw backs, typing is painfully slow on a phone so II expect whatever I write will be lightly stilted. and the phone will only let me send about a paragraph at a time, still it's better than nothing and it is a step in the right direction.
Bye for now
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