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Developing skills

Some of my outdoors / bushcraft skills are developing nicely; I can now sharpen a knife to be almost razor sharp and I can stop bleeding and apply steri - strips using just the hand that isn't injured in next to no time.

I'm currently working on my fitness in the Peak District, plenty of undulating terrain to play in, so I'm not getting much time to work on the website but I have come up with an idea that should build on it's strengths and start generating an income.


Posted on Saturday, June 9, 2007 at 12:33 by Registered CommenterJam | Comments3 Comments

Reader Comments (3)

Hey, what were you doing up in the Lake District? I know someone who runs a great outdoor survivals course up there if that interests you..
June 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSteve "The Woodster"
Sweet, I just learned from the ads on the left that Man vs. Wild on Discovery has 6 episodes beginning June 15. I love that show so marking my calendar.
June 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMdx
Survival School? Interesting. Mostly I was practicing running up and down hills with a rucksack on. Well mostly that was what I intended to do but more time was spent sitting about eating and admiring the view.Will be up there again soon.

June 11, 2007 | Registered CommenterJam

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