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Good news

Yesterday as well as sitting in the rain listening to people going on and on about Tony Blair I also managed to amuse myself by questioning exactly what I was doing with my life. For instance one could take the fact that I have spent the last week and a half working pretty solidly on the expedition and got no further forward than having raised about £6 as not being a huge success, had I been working I might perhaps have been able to earn more than that. Thoughts such as that cheered me up no end. However, today upon opening my email I was greeted with good news indeed. Brunton, have given the Expedition a significant discount on any kit that is needed, seeing as they have some excellent pieces of kit in their catalogue I am very happy about this, best of all they make the solar panel that is needed to power the travel guide. This has buoyed my spirits no end. Hooray for Brunton.

According to the stats on the Solar Panel it is possible to charge a lap top (without the need  for a 12v battery) in 4 - 8 hours. Under the sun at the equator I would imagine 4 hours would do it, unless of course one was under a thick canopy of leaves.





Posted on Friday, May 11, 2007 at 17:40 by Registered CommenterJam | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

Loved your snail and slug outlook! This is only the beginning, prepare yourself for take-off...
May 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterWispering Waters

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