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Rocking and a Rolling

Things are picking up speed, getting done, moving on. All the various threads of Mission Improbable that I have been working on over the last year have started coming together. It is all quite a relief, not that things are in anyway far enough along to be in any way remotely able to be considered as finalised but it's getting there. Trying to get this together has involved a huge mass of planning and ideas, many hours spent networking and emailing people and a lot more time just spent thinking about everything from whether it would be going against the environmental aims of the mission to seek sponsorship from airlines through to how much string I will need to take. Mostly I have been so swamped with ideas, plans and ongoing conversations that I have not been able to see the wood for the trees, it is quite a relief to discover that it's going to work. I'm not exactly sure how the whole thing will pan out just yet as there are still a large number of variables but I'm certainly a lot more confident about things than I was a month ago.

One of the developments that I can probably talk about at this stage is the fact that a friend of mine might well be coming along as well, not until July but it would be very good to have some company. Especially as Felix is a doctor, I quite like the idea of having a doctor about the place, especially one as bright as Felix (Oxford and Harvard both educated him). When I got back to the UK from Italy and heard about junior doctors being awarded posts via a system that was not much more complicated than pulling names out of a hat I was outraged, the very idea that the NHS was being forced to employ people on anything other that ability seemed completely outrageous. However, Felix is now without employment from July and is seemingly keen to come to the jungle. Best of all he has quite an interest in tropical diseases! Bargain. Now if only someone would sack Ray Mears.

Somewhere I'll be visiting  

Posted on Tuesday, March 27, 2007 at 09:57 by Registered CommenterJam | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

Great to see things are happening again, Hugh. Good to hear that you have someone going along with you too. It all still sounds a bit worrying, though, living out there, so far away from anything, will be a bit different to living in the woods I imagine. Why anyone would choose not to sleep in cosy bed every night beats me...Please email/call and let me know what you want me to do with your sleeping bag. I could drop it off wherever you are, or replace it. Hope you get this message. Let me know.
March 27, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterWS

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