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Gathering momentum

Slowly but surely things are picking up pace, I detect positive movement towards actually getting to South America and living in it. There still remains a mind numbingly large amount on things to be done and my mind is pretty constantly racing from the moment I wake to the moment I go to bed. June the 20th seems only a moment away.

Today's main concerns are finding portable solar panels that will cope with 12 months use in up to 90% humidity and either a satellite phone or a satellite modem that will be able to cope in the same environment. I also need to acquire a decent head torch and a camera.


I have had an offer of fishing lessons.

I'm talking with a major media organisation about writing a weekly blog for one of their websites.

There are a few other things going on behind the scenes that will raise the profile of Mission Improbable and so increase the potential for raising money for Rainforest Concern. However, these things are all in the early stages of development so I don't want to talk about them here incase they fall through.


Posted on Saturday, March 24, 2007 at 10:28 by Registered CommenterJam | CommentsPost a Comment

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