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A Fotherigton Thomas kind of a day

I slept until 11 this morning and then lay for a while considering the beauty of the sun dappling through the trees, my considered opinion is that it is indeed beautiful. It was also rather nice to have a day without anything to do, the last few weeks, especially the week of my alleged holiday have been very busy so just having a day to lazily walk about in the woods in a haze of "hello trees hello sky" has been most pleasing. What has added to my general sense of well being is the thought that in one week I will be free from the shackles of employment and financial stability, to my mind there is nothing better in the world than having a rucksack on my back and no responsibilities. I might keep this view of life to my self when I go and chat to my bank manager next week to explain my new circumstances. I think words like "opportunity", "career development", and even a phrase like "I'm thinking off piste on this one" might have to be got out for that meeting.

What else has happened? I got called up by BBC London yesterday morning and asked if I would like to appear on Vanessa Phelps' show, I said OK. An hour later I got a call and was put through to her radio show and then found myself being asked what I thought about London parks being used as camp sites during the Olympics. What am I supposed to know about that? I said I thought it would be good but then was told people were worried about it attracting the wrong sorts of people and it turning into a bit of a festival; I thought this would be even better, I didn't get asked for my opinion again after that.


Posted on Saturday, June 24, 2006 at 17:01 by Registered CommenterJam | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

Hey, at least you were honest!

Looks like you've got your summer cut out for you judging by your "to do" list. If there's anything I can do to help just drop me a line I'd be glad to.

Meanwhile to wet your appetite you should check out this website I found while searching for rainforest related sites. The introduction to experiencing the rainforest is truly breathtaking and descriptive. The links at the bottom lead to pictures and the bio of a woman who it turns out has successfully started a rainforest based business. She doesn’t live in the rainforest, but her experience of being there and running the business I’m sure would be invaluable. There’s a lot of information on her site.

June 24, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermdx
Thanks dude.

That site is amazing, I am going to stick a link up under things of interest.
June 26, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDM

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