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Big up the Squarespace Massive in the House (gosh I'm so street).

Anyone who has been reading this for a while, and especially those who read the Ditch Monkey blog, will probably be aware of the fact that I'm not that computer literate. In fact I'm a bit of a ludite when it comes to computers, so it was quite a suprise to me when I stumbled accross Squarespace and discovered an operating system that I could use to build this website with little more than the ability to navigate a word document and an internet account. I am now even happier that I found them as they have become an official backer of Mission Improbable.

Powered by Squarespace



Posted on Friday, April 13, 2007 at 11:55 by Registered CommenterJam | Comments3 Comments

Reader Comments (3)

Hurrah for Squarespace!!!
April 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJoe Meering
Just had a thought - you might not want to take me up on it, but if you are familiar with Macromedia/Adobe Dreamweaver (A v popular program for web design) and have it, then I will gladly give you one of my tutorial cds for it.

As you can see on one of my urls: www.protrix.co.uk I've been very busy making a 6 hour video-tutorial course for Dreamweaver. To be sold normally at £34.95

However, if you're very satisfied with not buying and using Dreamweaver, then I'd rather not send one of my cds. But, the offer is there if you are going to.

For the Jam!
April 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJoe Meering
Thanks Joe I've sent you an email
April 17, 2007 | Registered CommenterJam

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