Big up the Squarespace Massive in the House (gosh I'm so street).
Anyone who has been reading this for a while, and especially those who read the Ditch Monkey blog, will probably be aware of the fact that I'm not that computer literate. In fact I'm a bit of a ludite when it comes to computers, so it was quite a suprise to me when I stumbled accross Squarespace and discovered an operating system that I could use to build this website with little more than the ability to navigate a word document and an internet account. I am now even happier that I found them as they have become an official backer of Mission Improbable.
Reader Comments (3)
As you can see on one of my urls: I've been very busy making a 6 hour video-tutorial course for Dreamweaver. To be sold normally at £34.95
However, if you're very satisfied with not buying and using Dreamweaver, then I'd rather not send one of my cds. But, the offer is there if you are going to.
For the Jam!