blithering on again
So there I was sitting by the fire making a cup of tea and listening to the afternoon play on Radio 4, day off work you see, and what manner of amazing creature happened to walk right past my camp as bold as you like as though he had not seen me? A human man is what! The only examples of those I have seen at home have been those ones that I have invited specifically for the purpose of visiting and have gone off to meet at a handy landmark and guided back home myself. I was most surprised to see another human. Deer, rabbit, badgers, door mice, owls, red kite and little flying creatures that bite me on the ankles are all regular visitors at Chez Monkey but not people. I was most surprised that this specimen had walked past as bold as you like without showing any fear.
I spent a few minutes trying to figure out who the chap who had just walked past might be and what he was up to but as much as I racked my brain I couldn't come up with an answer. Not to worry, he came back and said hello and knew who I was, we had a bit of a chat about woodlands and the like. A bit of a common interest as he runs a wildlife management company and in that capacity he happened to have a rabbit he had just shot in the back of his pick up.
"would you like a rabbit"
Would I? I had just been sat by the fire feeling slightly disapointed that all I had to eat was potatoes and butter. Now I had a rabbit as well. Not that I knew how to skin the thing, I was unusually squeamish, I'm used to preparing meat, what with currently being a chef and all that but it doesn't normally come looking fluffy and kind of cute. Squeamish didn't last long, and soon enough dinner was roasting away over the white embers of the fire. Good practice for jungle life.
Other stuff
Met a guy from Brazil today, he is going to put me in contact with someone over there, apparently it should be easy for me to find work if / when I run out of money.
The radio 4 interview is coming up in the next couple of weeks, they are going to pay me £50 which is going straight into the "get to the jungle" fund. It's a small start but it is a start nevertheless.
Reader Comments (2)
By the way, how did the rabbit get in the back of his pick up? Lured there by carrots? It's much better to shoot the rabbit before it gets in the car, otherwise your car gets full of holes...
I have thought about going into that line of work, it could be good.