Back to the woods
Last night I thought it would be fun, for old times sake and all that, to spend the night back out in the woods, in the very place I lived for most of last year. I was wrong, about it being fun, It was cold, the ground was hard, I ache all over, there was no running water, it was not that fun at all. I think I just convinced myself I was enjoying it when I was doing it before. Mind you it was nice to wake up to the sunrise and to hear the owls, and the red kite but it would have been nicer to have been in a proper bed and for there to have been a kettle but there you go. I did find myself questioning whether I really do want to spend another year living outdoors, I don't, not really. But there you go, it's to late now so I best just get it over and done with.
Reader Comments (4)
Nothing should stop you re-evaluating your plan for a year in the jungle. Sometimes the brave decision is to not do something.
However, if you go, I will enjoy reading about it.