Being somewhat battered and bruised from a busy couple of days falling down various mountains whilst I have chosen to take a day off from skiing to recuperate. To my amazement the internet cafe in the village is open and so here I am typing away trying not to let on that I have forgotten what it was that I was going to write about.
That was it, skiing, skiing is kind of fun but not necessarily enough in and of itself to compensate for having a badly paying job with uncivilised hours. Not having decent access to the internet means that in the last six weeks I have managed to achieve virtually nothing towards the organisation of the expedition and so whilst I am having fun Iàm not getting to achieve anything and unfortunately this translates itself into a feeling of pointlessness. So it may mean that in order to get things rolling I have to bail out of Italy and go somewhere from which I can work on the expedition and save some money towards it.
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