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The story so far

you don't just get up one morning and say, "ah I'm bored I think I'll go and live in the jungle for a year". That would be silly. I went to live in the woods in Oxfordshire for a year and then decided to move to the jungle, much more sensible. Living in the woods has become part of my training for the jungle, not so much part as all. Mike, he is the only person other than me that I know who is stupid enough to do this, has moved into the woods as part of his training for jungle life. Once my year in the woods is up I will be quitting my job and turning my full attention to training for jungle life and will be writing about it here.

In the mean time if you are interested you can read the Ditch Monkey Blog.

Posted on Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 16:19 by Registered CommenterJam | CommentsPost a Comment

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