So it begins in earnest
Yesterday was the summer solstice and the official last night of my year living in the woods and commuting to Sotheby's. It's all a bit arbitrary as nothing has changed, I'm still living in the woods and tomorrow I will be coming into work, but mentally something changed when I just posted my last entry in the Ditch Monkey blog. At this point I was supposed to be moving into a flat and getting on with my career, but I'm not I am going with Mike to the Jungle for a year, and I'm going to be living outdoors for at least another year. I went and moved the goal posts on myself and as nice as the woods are I would love to be going home to a nice comfortable existence with running water, cupboards, washing machine, chairs, cutlery and all the rest of it. Never mind, for whilst there are certain things that I will miss (and frankly currently long for) the long term rewards will hopefully far exceed the short term discomfort, life is for living and whatever else happens, if our Mission succeeds or fails Mike and I are in for an adventure.
I can now start properly focusing on Mission Improbable and trying to figure out how on earth we are going to do it, we need to find a backer or we need to get this web site making money and quickly or else we might just have to go plan B. Plan B being fly to Brazil, find a jungle, live in it. Plan A is much better, it involves getting trained in jungle survival and having money to buy food and insurance.
Bring it.
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