Elvis has left the building
"Bring me my whangee, my yellowest shoes, and the old green Homburg"
Bertram Wooster
So that's that then, I have left the ditch, no more am I a dweller of the woods. For the next two days I'm living at Rob's flat in London, where I will be making full use of the electric lights etc, and then on Wednesday I move out to Italy where I will be living in a house for a bit. I suppose that I should write a poignant reflection on what the last 18 months have meant to me and spend a moment in quiet contemplation before moving on. Unfortunately I am not really at liberty to indulge in such niceties today on account of the rather potent medication the doctor gave me on Friday.
"May cause drowsiness" it says.
"May cause a complete shut down of all higher level brain functions, grinning, an inability to move, and drowsiness" is what I would write on the box where I to have the job of so doing.
Not, I hasten to add, that there is anything that wrong with me. Something is askew with my inner-ear says the doctor, this was quite a relief as I had typed my symptoms into NHS direct online and they told me to call an ambulance. I booked an appointment with my GP instead, don't like to cause a fuss, before returning to the interweb to write my obituary and to try to figure out what was wrong with me. From what I could glean I had either had a stroke or was about to have a heart attack so as you can imagine I was most relieved to be told to take a few tablets and it should clear up. Not that the symptoms were without merit. Waking up to find the world spinning uncontrollably was mildly amusing for a moment or two and loosing balance and having t me to grasp hold of the nearest object for fear of falling was a bit of a giggle but it does make people give one a bit of a wide birth, it can also be a bit worrisome if it occurs when untying a rope from the top of a tree. Somehow I preferred the symptoms to the side effects of the medicine which has left me feeling very slow and rather stupid, hence not being able to reflect upon the year that has past / quiet get round to doing all the things that I'm supposed to be doing.
It's very annoyinjg
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