Things continue
Things continue to go well, although not necessarily within the strictest interpretation of "going well", I am not, for instance in Brazil right not sunning myself on a beach. I am instead sat in the Bodleian with a very long list of tasks that need to be done beside me. Neither did I manage to meet up with the chaps from This Is A Knife who went out to the woods to do some filming last night. Aside from that, and the brace of angry ex girlfriends and the sore knuckles from when that guy tried to start a fight with me on Saturday things are actually going reasonably according to plan at the moment.
I have decided that whilst in the Alps this winter I will start training in earnest for climbing Mount Cotopaxi (a volcano) by ladder. This will initially start with getting good and fit by doing lots of cross country skiing at altitude and then move on to learning to ice climb before starting to learn how to climb mountains with a ladder, I suspect it will be quite a complex operation.
Wayn from Forest Knights has put me on to the Royal Geographical Society and they have a huge list of organisations who offer grants to expeditions so I'm going to be writing off to lots of them over the next week. He has also offered advice on how to go about finding funding for the expedition.
I have possibly sold a 5% share of the travel guide, that would be this site, to an investor and the money raised from this would be pretty helpful to develop the guide into something that could start making money. With my eyes firmly on the target of raising money I have opened a be the jam t shirt shop, and all the profits from it will be going towards getting to the jungle. It needs lots more work but it is getting there.
I have just got an email from the This Is A Knife people, apparently they are still in the woods so I'm going to go and meet them as soon as I find out where exactly they are. I hope they managed to light a fire last night, it was bitterly cold.
Right then, I best scamper off and make them a cup of tea.
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