Inspired by last night's Rugby match I welcomed the dawn today with more focused and determined than ever to succeed in walking across South America coast to coast. Before I continue I should mention that when I say welcomed the dawn I mean to say I got up at eight and had a bowl of Frosties, I did think of opening this blog entry with
"Inspired by last nights Rugby match I got up at eight and had a bowl of Frosties more focused and determined than ever to succeed in walking across South America coast to coast."
It just doesn't have the punch of "welcomed the dawn". I suppose if I had been totally truthful I would have had to mention that I set my alarm for eight and then lay in bed until about nine before getting up and having some Frosties. I suppose all of this might well lead the discerning reader, yes you, to think that I wasn't so much focused and determined as a bit lazy. However in my defence I shall say that; it is Sunday, it doesn't get light here until about eight and I did go straight to work once I had eaten, and had a cup of tea, and a bit of a chat. I did embark on the day's task - leveling off the floor of the cellar with a pick axe and carting barrow loads of stones about the place, with gusto.
I worked out as I lay in bed last night that I can stay working in Spain until the beginning of December, this should give me the opportunity to learn a little of the language, build up a reasonable base level of fitness and start to get me used to undertaking physical activity in a warm environment. All of these things being things being handy for an attempt at walking across South America. In mid December I can go to the Alps to work and take up cross country skiing and do a bit of trekking. Cross country skiing at altitude will be perfect low impact physical training to get myself properly fit for the challenge ahead. Trekking (running up and down bit's of off piste mountain with a back pack on) will not only help with fitness but will teach me some of the skills I will need for crossing the Andes.What I think I will not be able to do though is go skiiing, I am still not fully recovered from the injury I picked up last year and I don't want to set off into the jungle carrying an injury.
Work in the Alps will finish in April so they it would be a matter of coming back to the UK, working on my survival skills (living off the land and the like), route planning, general administration and publicising the Mission so as to maximise the amount of money raised for Rainforest Concern.
Reader Comments (2)
Skills are, hmmmm, rudimentary hence the need to work on them