
Iguazu Falls

falls.jpgThe Iguazu Falls is possily the most beautiful place I have ever been. A vision of paradise, full of exotic flowers, tiny jewelled hummingbirds, literally millions of multicoloured and psychedlic butterflies, rainbows, rainforest, and of course, waterfalls.




Entering on the brazilian side, I got off the coach to be awed by a series of giant waterfalls right in front of me. Having funny looking badger type critters.jpgnever been here before and only having seen that classic panoramic shot featured on posters in many a living room (or bathroom) I didn't realise at first the magnitude of the place. The pathway takes you around corner after corner to be greeted with yet another followed by yet another view of tumbling water framed by luscious forest with rainbows forming through the water vapour with the help of the blistering sunshine. Accompanying you en route are a load of rather inquisitive racoon-meets-monkey/anteater creatures snuffling around for bits of dropped melted icecream etc. Apparantly, these are called 'Coaties'.

The vision is only somewhat hindered by a photo shop at the end of the pathway, although I ended up taking such a ridiculous amount of photos that I ended up using their service to download 200 pics to a cd, and then quickly used up the space straight away.

I would recommend going to see the falls from the argentinian side as well as it is a very different experience. Agreed, it is more waterfalls, but this side has a different series of walks where you can walk right over the waterfalls, take a raft which speeds right under them (getting you pretty drenched and lots of people screaming), and walk right along to the famous point, 'The Devil's Throat ', and a very deep throat it is too. The most powerful point of all the waterfalls at the site, I was mesmerized for an hour or so at the sheer volume of water falling down from the river and hurtling down into the depths in sheets and sheets of white froth. 



Posted on Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 15:33 by Registered CommenterJam | CommentsPost a Comment

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